GTOWizard's "Daily Dose of GTO" Ebook Teaches GTO in Bitesized Lessons

Table Of Contents
Understanding what Game Theory Optimal poker is, when to use it, and how it applies to the hands you play has become one of the cornerstones of profitable poker. However, GTO remains a badly understood (and often wholly misunderstood) aspect of poker strategy for most players.
If you are approaching GTO for the first time, then the sheer depth of the subject and volume of information available can be a barrier. Where does one even start when learning about GTO poker? The folks at GTOWizard have your back.
The company recently released Daily Dose of GTO. This free ebook, written by Tom Boshoff and Daniel Jacobson, aims to teach you about GTO play in small five-minute chunks.
The book is designed for readers to tackle one lesson a day. And with 334 lessons in its nearly 1,300 pages, the book contains roughly a year's worth of learning.
Daily Dose of GTO FREE Download
What you'll find in Daily Dose of GTO
Daily Dose of GTO covers a wide range of topics broken up into 11 categories.
The first few introductory lessons are there to make sure you've got a handle on the fundamentals. After that, most of the units start with a simple quiz. The quizzes test you on a specific concept or spot and gives you a chance to apply your current understanding of GTO play. An answer key follows each quiz. Then an explanation of those answers that will either correct your mistake or deepen your understanding of the topic.
In this way, the book aims to drip-feed you GTO knowledge, getting you comfortable with the broad ideas of GTO and some of the most important tactics and strategies that come from GTO analysis.
Perhaps most importantly, it also teaches you how you can use GTO tools to continue studying by yourself.
How to use the Daily Dose of GTO Ebook
Daily Dose of GTO is a great place to start with your study of GTO. Just start at the beginning and read one lesson per day. The bite-sized lessons are designed to take up less than five minutes each. This means you can easily slip a lesson into most schedules without causing too much trouble.
The book is not designed to be your only study resource. Although its lessons are self-contained, they also point you to outside resources and provide guidance on how to study a topic more deeply away from the book. Some of the early lessons also give you ideas of how to approach poker study more generally.
When you reach those lessons, you can start using that information to shape your study habits.
As you proceed through the book, your knowledge of GTO play will grow. You'll start to get a sense of how GTO tools can be used to improve your play and you'll probably start to want to engage with other GTO resources and tools. This point will be different for everyone.
Beyond Your Daily Dose of GTO
When you feel you have reached the point where it seems time to expand your learning tools to include, then it's probably a good time to look into getting access to a presolved library, a solver, and/or some coaching.
There are plenty of resources out there to provide you with GTO outputs. Solvers can give you access to close estimates of GTO play in specific spots and many training sites have compiled vast libraries of solutions that you can access for the cost of a monthly or yearly subscription.
The obvious place to start would be GTOWizard itself as Daily Dose of GTO integrates nicely with GTOWizard's built-in tools.
A GTO Wizard subscription doesn't just provide you with access to over 10 million presolved spots. It also includes powerful tools for analyzing your own hand histories for leaks, practicing and memorizing specific spots, and access to an active community with which to discuss strategy.
You can access limited features on the GTOWizard site with a free account if you want to see if this is the GTO resource for you.